Come out from these false Christian cults and movements Part 2.
13. The Christ less False Christian gospel #1. You can have a relationship with God, and you can be saved by God apart from faith in Jesus Christ.
They’re many paths to get to God apart from Christ. The false Christ less gospel says Christ is not the only way to God, heaven, and eternal life.
The false Christ less gospel says and teaches Christ is not needed nor is He essential in salvation
(Billy Graham, Carl Lentz, TD. Jakes, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Brian Houston, Rick Warren).
Christ is not involved or needed at all in this false gospel. Therefore, I call it a Christ less False gospel. A Christ less false gospel says and teaches Jesus is not essential for salvation.
The bible teaches us that apart from faith in Gods Son Jesus it’s impossible for a sinful unregenerate man to please God or to be saved by God
(John 8:24) (John 3:18, 36) (Hebrews 11:6) (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) (Revelation 21:8). The bible teaches us that you cannot have a real personal relationship with the One true God apart from faith in Christ Jesus His Son.
The bible is clear that Jesus is The only way to God The Father, heaven, and eternal life
(John 14:6) (Romans 6:23) (Romans 10:9-13) (John 5:24) (John 10:9) (John 11:25-26) (1 John 5:11-13) (Acts 4:12).
14. The Christ less False Christian gospel #2. Doing good deeds and or being a good person = salvation.
Christ is not involved or needed at all in this false gospel. Therefore, it’s called a Christ less False gospel. A Christ less false gospel says and teaches Jesus is not essential for salvation.
The bible clearly teaches us that there is no salvation apart from faith in Jesus Christ. Good deeds and being a good person are not the requirement set by a Holy God for you to be forgiven of all your sins and to receive eternal salvation.
Jesus said no one is good but God (Mark 10:18). The bible teaches us that all of us human beings are wicked, depraved, hopeless, helpless sinners.
The bible teaches us that all our righteousness in it of ourselves are as filthy rags. The bible teaches us that no one is righteous in it of themselves.
The bible teaches us we have no righteousness of our own. Moreover, the bible so plainly teaches us that we cannot save ourselves from our own sinful condition.
The bible teaches us that all humans on earth are born into sin, all human hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked, and all humans on earth are sinners.
Because all these bible truths are indeed true this is why we need The Divine Christ to save us. The bible teaches us that for all our sins to be forgiven and for us to receive eternal salvation by God we must place our faith in Christ Jesus His Son.
Read (Psalm 51:5) (Jeremiah 17:9) (Isaiah 64:6) (Romans 3:10-31) (Job 4:17) (Ephesians 2:1-3) (Philippians 2:9) (Galatians 2:16, 21) (John 3:3-7) (1 Timothy 1:15) (John 3:14-18) (John 5:24) (John 6:40, 47) (John 7:50) (John 20:31) (Acts 10:43) (Acts 13:38) (Acts 16:30-31) (1 John 5:11-13) (Acts 4:12).
15. The Christ less False Christian gospel #3. The distorted love of God False Christian gospel.
This is the false gospel that says God will save you apart from Faith in Christ simply because God is a God of love and He loves everyone no matter what.
Christ is not involved or needed at all in this false gospel. Therefore, I call it a Christ less False gospel. A Christ less false gospel says and teaches Jesus is not essential for salvation.
The devil convinces and deceives people to say this "My god is a loving god who would overlook my sins and allow me to enter heaven apart from faith in Christ because God is good, and God is love and he loves all people.
He wouldn’t punish me for committing a few sins here or there or for not placing my faith in Jesus. My god would never cast anyone into hell for not believing in Jesus His Son.
" This statement is a huge lie! Yes, God is a God of love but he’s also a God of Holiness, justice, and righteousness! Perhaps you think God is so good and so loving that he would overlook your sins and unrighteousness.
But if you knew a judge that turned a blind eye to a serial murderer, would that be justice and righteous? No that would be an evil deed and that’s surely not a righteous judge, but a corrupt one!
God can never be a corrupt judge and he’s holy, perfect and righteous. And God is a God of justice! You broke his laws (The Ten Commandments) and there’s a just penalty for all of mankind for breaking his just Holy laws.
For the bible declares that the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). God is perfect, holy and righteous my people and he cannot and will not let sin slide.
If you refuse to believe in The Savior Jesus, you will be justly condemned in hell for your sins. The bible makes it perfectly clear that people go to hell for their unbelief in the person of Jesus Christ
(John 8:24) (John 3:18, 36) (Hebrews 11:6) (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) (Revelation 21:8). Who is Jesus Christ one may ask? The bible tells us Jesus Christ is Almighty God The Creator and Supreme Ruler of the whole universe
(Exodus 3:14) (John 8:58) (John 14:1) (John 20:28) (Hebrews. 1:8) (John 1:1-3; 14) (Colossians 1:15-19) (1 John 3:5) (1 Peter 1:19) (1 Peter 2:22) (1 Peter 3:18) (Hebrews 7:25-27) (Philippians 2:6-11) (Revelation 22:13).
Therefore, when you ultimately reject him and ultimately refuse to believe in Him you are rejecting and refusing to believe in God himself.
And anyone who ultimately rejects Jesus will go to hell for all of eternity for having an evil heart of unbelief in the living God (Hebrews 3:12)! Look at the word of God below.
Jesus clearly said in John 8:24
I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins."
16. The Christ less False Christian gospel #4. Asking God to forgive you of your sins without placing your faith and trust in Jesus for salvation.
Christ is not involved or needed at all in this false gospel. Therefore, I call it a Christ less False gospel. A Christ less false gospel says and teaches Jesus is not essential for salvation.
If God will save us from our sins just by us asking Him to forgive us, then why did Jesus come into the earth in the first place? In other words, why do I need Jesus at all If all I must do is just ask God to forgive me of my sins?
Why did Jesus come into this world? Why did Jesus say I am the way the truth and the life and that no man can come unto The Father but by me? That is a very powerful, bold and exclusive statement He is making.
Jesus is saying no one can be saved nor come to The Father apart from Him. If we can be saved or forgiven of our sins apart from Jesus Why then did Jesus say If you do not believe in The One,
I claim to be you will indeed die in your sins? You see some people mistakenly believe that all they have to do is just ask God to forgive them when they sin and God will forgive them just based on them asking even though they never actually placed their faith in Jesus The Savior to save them.
You see what you must understand people of the world God has a method a certain way in how he forgives and saves sinners, and everyone must come through his way to be forgiven and to be saved.
Everyone must come through the door (John 10:9). So how does God forgive and save sinners one may ask? The Bible is clear that God forgives sinners and makes them right in his sight when they believe in Jesus His Son as Savior (Romans 3:23-28).
You see you must believe in the sacrifice of Jesus on that cross for you. Jesus was on that cross paying the full penalty for your sins not his own (Isaiah 53:5-6) and you must believe in Him as Savior in order to be saved by God.
The bible is clear that Jesus is the only acceptable atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 John 2:2) (1 John 4:10). The bible is clear that only those who believe in the death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Christ Jesus are born again and thus are the true children of God.
This means if you do not believe in the biblical Jesus you are not born again and If you are not born again you are not a child of God (Galatians 3:26) (John 1:12) (John 3:3-7) (1 John 5:1) (Romans 8:14, 29).
The bible is clear that apart from faith in Jesus it’s impossible for a sinful unregenerate man to please God or to be saved by God (John 8:24) (John 3:14-18, 36) (John 5:24) (John 6:40, 47) (Hebrews 11:6) (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) (Revelation 21:8) (1 John 5:11-13).
Here below are just a few bible reasons why God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because no one is good, and you have offended God with your sins and lawbreaking. You have been greatly deceived if you think you are a good person apart from Christ. The bible clearly teaches us that no one is righteous no not one! The bible teaches us that all humans are depraved, wicked, evil sinners whose hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked (Psalm 51:5) (Romans 3:10) (Ecclesiastes 7:20) (Jeremiah 17:9 (Ephesians 2:1-2).
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because Jesus is the only mediator between God and men (1 Timothy 2:4-6). You are not the mediator Jesus is. Therefore, if you want to be forgiven by God and to be saved by Him you must come through His Mediator.
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because Jesus is the only way to God The Father, heaven, and eternal life (John 14:6).
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because Jesus is the only one God has selected, chosen, anointed and appointed to be The Savior of the world (Psalm 45:7) (Isaiah 61:1) (Matthew 12:18) (Luke 1:32, 35) (Luke 4:18, 33-34) (Mark 1:24) (John 1:34) (John 6:27) (John 10:36) (Romans 1:3-4) (Acts 4:27) (Acts 10:38-42) (Acts 17:30-31) (Hebrews 1:1-14) (1 John 1:1-4) (1 John 2:20) (Isaiah 9:6) (Revelation 11:15). You are not The Savior of the world Jesus is. Therefore in order to be saved by God and to be forgiven of your sins you must place your faith in Him The Savior to be saved (John 4:42) (1 John 4:14) (Acts 10:43) (Acts 13:23, 38) (Acts 4:12) (Titus 2:13-14) (Matthew 1:21) (Luke 2:11) (Luke 19:10) (John 4:42) (1 Timothy 1:15) (1 Timothy 4:10) (2 Timothy 1:10) (Job 19:25) (Isaiah 44:6) (Romans 3:23-24) (Romans 5:10) (Ephesians 1:7) (Ephesians 5:23) (1 John 2:2) (1 John 4:10) (Galatians 2:20) (Philippians 2:6-8) (Philippians 3:20) (Acts 26:22-23) (Hebrews 5:9) (Hebrews 7:25) (Hebrews 9:15, 24) (Hebrews 12:2) (1 Peter 1:18-19) (Hosea 13:4) .
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because Jesus is the only one who has been given the authority by God to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6).
God will not save you apart from Jesus His Son because Salvation is found in no other name. Salvation has a name and salvation is in this person and in this person alone. Salvation is only found in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). Jesus alone has the power to save.
17. Faithless false Christian gospel
faithless false gospels teach you that you can be saved apart from one placing their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. If someone tells you that you can be saved apart from faith don’t believe them.
The bible is clear that God is a God of faith. God justifies sinners declares them righteous in his sight only because of their faith in Jesus His Son (John 3:14-18) (John 6:40, 47) (Romans 3:21-28) (Romans 4:5) (Galatians 2:16, 21).
In other words, if faith in Jesus was never mentioned to you when it comes to your salvation then the true biblical gospel was never presented to you at all. God is a God of faith. The bible tells us that God cannot be pleased by an unregenerate man apart from faith (Hebrews 11:6). In other words, there is no gospel apart from one having faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.
Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior is all that is required for a sinner to be saved by God. Anyone who tells you that you can be saved by God without faith in Jesus is teaching you a faithless false gospel. Run from them!
18. The adding of works and good deeds to Jesus’ perfect sacrifice false Christian gospel.
This is the False gospel that says you do need Jesus to be saved but you also need to do other things as well. This false gospel says you also need other good deeds and works along with faith in Jesus as well in order to be truly saved.
So, in their mind salvation is not faith in Jesus alone for salvation. In their minds It’s faith in Jesus + good deeds and works = Salvation. However, this too is a false gospel.
This is the False gospel of trying to be saved by Jesus Christ and your good deeds attached to his perfect sacrifice on the cross in order to truly secure your salvation.
The bible so clearly teaches us that you are not saved by anything that you do. You are saved by the finished work of Christ on that cross for you.
Jesus’s perfect sacrifice for you on the cross was perfect and it was indeed complete. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for us was perfect, it was finished, and it was completed the very moment he died (John 19:30).
What I am saying is this: You cannot add anything to something that is already perfect. Since Jesus already provided a perfect sacrifice for you which was perfectly completed at the cross,
this means you cannot add anything to his finished work to make you any more saved or to make your salvation any more secure. In other words, you cannot Help Jesus in saving you.
He is The Savior and you are not. Either Jesus saves you 100% and forgives you of all your sins past present and future or he doesn’t. Jesus either saves you completely or he doesn’t save you at all.
You cannot be 99% saved. Jesus either has all the power to save you or he doesn’t have the power to save you at all. If he is The Divine Savior that means he is powerful enough and sufficient enough to completely save the sinner who humbly comes to him for salvation.
Jesus said anyone who comes to Him He will in no wise cast them out (John 6:37). The Bible teaches that Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them He will save them (Romans 10:13).
The Bible teaches us that anyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins and everlasting life right then and there at that very moment and will never lose their eternal salvation (John 3:14-18) (John 5:24) (John 6:40, 47) (John 10:27-30) (John 20:31) (1 John 5:11-13).
People of the world either Jesus is The Savior or He’s not. Either Jesus completely and totally saves you from all your sins past, present, and future or he doesn’t.
Many falsely believe they must help Jesus in saving them. But you cannot help Jesus in saving you. What you need to understand people of the world is that you cannot add nor take away from the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on that cross.
His finished work on that cross for us is just that it is finished, and it is indeed complete. Jesus doesn’t need any assistance or help from us to save us or to secure our eternal salvation.
You must understand this Bible truth for it is paramount in your understanding of the true gospel. The work of Christ on that cross for us is finished and no one can undo the power of his finished work which secures the believers salvation forever.
Let’s look here below at what the bible teaches us in the word of God.
The bible clearly teaches us that salvation is not by good deeds and or works.
(Romans 3:24-26) (Romans 4:1-7) (Galatians 2:16, 21) (Galatians 5:4) (Titus 3:5) (Galatians 6:14) (Ephesians 2:8-9) (Romans 10:3-4) (Acts 13:38-39) (Romans 8:3) (Romans 11:6) (Romans 16:27) (2 Timothy 1:9-10) (1 Corinthians 1:30) (Philippians 3:9).
The bible also clearly teaches us that salvation is not faith in Jesus plus our works. You cannot add anything to the finish work of Christ. Salvation is faith in Jesus alone apart from all works = salvation.
In other words, all you need for Salvation is to believe On The Son and you will be saved and have everlasting life. God just wants you to believe in His Son Jesus. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
(John 3:14-18, 36) (John 5:24) (John 6:40, 47) (John 7:50) (John 20:31) (Acts 10:43) (Acts 13:38) (Acts 16:30-31) (Romans 3:24-26) (Philippians 3:9) (1 John 5:11-13).
People of the world these are 7 more false Christian cults, and movements that try to pose as Christianity. Their doctrinal beliefs and teachings at their very core teach a false gospel and present a counterfeit Jesus or no Jesus at all. Because of this, this is why you must avoid these false cults, and movements.
If you are a new Christian stay away from these false, Christian cults and movements
We love all people and we truly want all people to be saved. But we want them to be saved the true and only way and that is through the biblical Jesus and not a counterfeit Jesus. That’s precisely why this ministry and website exists. However, we absolutely and unashamedly reject their false teachings because all these groups and cults at their very core presents a false Jesus and a false gospel. And this simply cannot be ignored or denied. We simply cannot agree to disagree on these major doctrinal issues of the biblical Christian faith. A holy separation, yes, a holy division from these false cults/groups and movements must take place. We simply cannot unite nor agree with them in their blasphemous heresies concerning the person of Jesus and the true biblical gospel. We shall not be a partaker of their evil deeds.
This is because these major doctrinal errors that these groups promote, teach, and believe are salvific errors and they are too grave of a danger if believed to the babes in Christ and to the true body of Christ as a whole. Their teachings block a person from being truly and soundly saved. Therefore, Their teachings must be rejected, rebuked in the name of Jesus, and exposed for preaching a blasphemous heretical false gospel not found in The Holy Scriptures. If you are currently in any of these 7 false, Christian groups or cults you need to flee and get out of them ASAP. You are in a cult and movement that is not teaching you good sound biblical doctrine from The Holy Scriptures and they are leading you astray into blasphemous heresies that’s not of God.
I wrote this article to protect the body of Christ from the enemy’s counterfeit gospel and from the enemy’s counterfeit Jesus.
If you are a baby Christian, a babe in Christ meaning a new believer in Jesus run from these 7 false Christian cults, and movements.
Have absolutely nothing to do with them. They are what I call the enemy’s false gospel. For they are all dangerous false gospels that tries to pose as Christianity, but they are not.
There is no reason why a true born - again believer in Christ should follow any of these groups. Do not follow them for they will lead you astray into false teachings of men and into blasphemous heresies.
The Holy Spirit Himself will protect you if you are a true born - again believer in Christ and will ultimately lead you out of these false groups, cults, and movements if you are involved in them.
Come out from all The Christ less false gospels that all teach Jesus is not needed nor is He essential for salvation. All Christ less false gospels teach that Jesus is not the only way to God The Father, heaven and eternal life
Come out from all the faithless false gospels that all teach you can be saved apart from one placing their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
Come out from all the false gospels of being saved by our works
Come out from The adding of works and good deeds to Jesus’ perfect sacrifice false Christian gospel